What is the AWID International Forum?

Every three to four years, AWID hosts its flagship international event. It is the world’s largest event that wholeheartedly centers feminist and gender justice movements in all their diversity. It is a global gathering of feminist activists, allied movements, scholars, funders and policymakers. The Forums rotate between different regions and countries in the global South.

When and Where will the Forum be?

2-5 December, 2024, Bangkok, Thailand! We will gather at the Queen Sirikit National Convention Center (QSNCC) as well as virtually online.

Why Bangkok?

Each Forum takes place in a different region, and it is time for the AWID Forum to come back to Asia! We visited many countries in the region, consulted feminist movements, and conducted detailed assessments of logistics, accessibility, safety, visas and more. Eventually, the AWID Board enthusiastically approved Bangkok, Thailand, as the best option. We are excited to come back to Bangkok, where we held the AWID Forum in 2005.

What are the Forum languages?

AWID's working languages are English, Arabic, French, and Spanish. We are adding Thai and sign language, with more languages possible if funding allows. We prioritize language justice and aim to support as many languages as our resources permit. Check back for updates!

I am a funder or an individual donor. How can I support the AWID Forum?

We invite you to get in touch with us about ways of meaningful engagement with the Forum.


How do I register for the forum?

You can register online through our official website at Early bird registration rate is available until 2nd September 2024, after which standard registration rates will apply.

I have been accepted to present at the Forum. Do I still need to register?

Yes! Everyone who attends the Forum must register, including presenters. Presenters will receive an email soon with a special registration code along with instructions on how to register.

Do I have to be an AWID member to participate in the Forum?

No, you don't have to be an AWID member to participate but AWID members receive a discounted registration fee as well as a number of other benefits. Learn more on how to become an AWID member.

A few different people from my organization are planning to attend the Forum. Is there a group discount for the Forum?

AWID has a Group Registration to make it easier to register and pay for groups of people (meaning more than 2), but there is no discount for the group. We do provide registration discounts to members however. (Click here to learn more about becoming a member)

Can I switch my registration from virtual to in-person or vice versa?

No, you cannot switch between registrations once you have applied via the portal.


What topics will be covered at the Forum?

The Forum will cover a wide range of topics including, but not limited to, resourcing activism, climate justice, decolonization, economic justice and feminist economics. Detailed session information will be provided closer to the Forum start date.

Can I attend multiple sessions in a day?

Yes, you can attend multiple sessions in a day. The program is designed to allow participants to choose sessions that best fit their interests and schedules.

Who can I contact if I have questions about the program?

For any questions related to the program, please contact our support team at Additional information is also available on our website's contact page.


Is there a COVID protocol for the Forum?

Yes! You can read up on the Forum’s COVID safety protocols here.

What measures to protect public health and contain risks of Covid19 outbreak will be in place?

We are monitoring this and other risks carefully, and will publish comprehensive health and safety information when the registration opens, so you could make an informed decision. In addition, the hybrid format is designed to provide a meaningful engagement experience to the participants who will prefer not to travel or are not able to travel.

Will there be accessibility measures at the Forum?

In short, yes! AWID is currently working with an Accessibility Committee to ensure that the Forum is as accessible as possible. We are also conducting an accessibility audit of the Forum venue, surrounding hotels and transportation. Detailed information about accessibility at the AWID Forum will be available in this section before the registration opens. Meanwhile, for any questions please contact us.

Are the sessions accessible to participants with disabilities?

Yes, we strive to make all sessions accessible. This includes, where possible, providing sign language interpretation, live captioning, and ensuring venues are wheelchair accessible. Please indicate any specific accessibility needs while filling out the registration form.

Will sessions be available in multiple languages?

To accommodate our diverse audience, we offer interpretation services in multiple languages for key sessions. Check the program schedule coming soon for details on language availability.


How much does participation cost?

Your participation costs as an in-person delegate will include your costs of travel to Bangkok, accommodations and per diem, visa costs (including traveling to embassies and consulates if applicable), any accessibility-related costs, and incidentals, plus the registration fee. Please note the following:

  • Hotels in the Sukhumvit area in Bangkok range from USD$50 to $200 per night, double occupancy. All official Forum hotels include breakfast in the rate.
  • AWID will provide shuttle buses from and back to the airport, as well as shuttle buses from official forum hotels and designated pick up and drop off points to the QSNCC (Queen Sirikit National Convention Centre)
  • The Forum will have lunch + 2 coffee/tea breaks (with pastries and finger foods) daily

AWID members receive a discount at registration, so if you are not a member yet, we invite you to consider becoming a member and joining our global feminist community.

Does AWID provide scholarships to attend the Forum?

AWID’s Access Fund offers a limited number of scholarships to fund the participation of session/activity presenters who cannot afford it and don’t have relationships with funders who could cover their participation.

Everyone who applied to the Call for Applications and indicated they needed funding have already been considered for the Access Fund. AWID supports 1500 feminists from 80 countries. They have already been accepted for the Access Fund.

How do refunds work if I'm no longer able to attend? (Eg. visa issues, illness, etc.)

In-person Forum registrations are eligible for a refund (minus a $75 USD administration fee) up until October 31, 2024. There are no refunds for the virtual Forum.


Does the Forum have a capacity limit for in-person attendance? Will we receive updates so that we can register before the limit is reached?

The capacity for the in-person Forum is 2,500 participants. We will post registration number updates on the Forum website when we get closer to the limit.

Will interpretation services be available for non-English speakers at the in-person AWID forum?

Yes, we aim to provide interpretation services for as many sessions as possible to ensure inclusivity and accessibility for attendees from diverse contexts and backgrounds. In addition to having interpretation, we will also be holding sessions in Spanish, French, Arabic and Thai, in addition to sessions in English.

Are there any pre-Forum activities or orientations for in-person participants?

Details about pre-forum activities or orientations for in-person participants will be communicated closer to the event date. Please stay tuned for updates.


What platform will be used for virtual sessions during the AWID forum?

We will use the Zoom Video Conferencing platform for the formal sessions during the Forum week since it is easy to use and broadly accessible to a diverse group of participants, the majority of whom live in places with limited internet bandwidth. In addition, we would like to pilot a metaverse experience in which a group of 20 participants, accompanied by a facilitator, go through a more guided experience: attending the sessions together, collectively sharing their experiences and reflections on the sessions in the same way onsite participants do.

What technology requirements are needed for virtual participation?

The Forum offers both high-tech and low-tech ways to participate virtually.

For the higher-tech version of virtual, participants will need stable internet connection, a compatible device (computer, tablet, or smartphone) and access to common up to date web browsers to participate in the sessions. This will allow participants to watch sessions on video, in real time.

For the lower-tech version – Forum Radio and Podcasts – you will need access to a device with enough internet stability to be able to access audio only. This option will allow participants to listen to sessions via radio, in real time, and via podcasts afterwards.

What sessions and activities will be available for virtual participants?

The virtual experience will include a number of activities; in the lead up to the Forum week, we will have networking opportunities for participants to get to know each other, share feminist resources and hold dialogues. During the Forum week, virtual participants will have access to live streamed sessions, on demand videos on selected sessions, Forum Radio/Podcast and thrilling activities that will be happening on the festival space.

Will there be opportunities for virtual participants to engage with in-person attendees?

Yes, special networking and interactive sessions will be designed to facilitate connections between virtual and in-person participants.

Can I access recordings of sessions after the Forum concludes?

Yes, sessions will be recorded and made available for on demand viewing after the Forum concludes. You will receive communication once the videos have been uploaded.

How can I stay informed about updates and instructions for virtual participation at the AWID forum?

Stay updated by regularly checking our official website and subscribing to our email newsletters for the latest information, virtual program details, and technical guidelines.


How transparent was the process?

AWID’s call for applications selection process was as transparent as possible, and also respectful of the time and passion behind each proposal. The participatory review and selection process involved 24 feminist activists from different movements and regions of the world, as well as 15 AWID staff from diverse thematic areas and consultations with another 22 feminist activists who were part of the Forum Accessibility and Thai Forum Committees. This was to ensure as broad a range of perspectives as possible. The review process was structured in three stages and included criteria such as inclusion & representation, clarity & session interactivity, intersectionality, and relevance to the Forum themes. We also analyzed the final selection for balances around geographic regions, movement, and gaps in thematic representations. The final curated set of sessions was then shared back with the people involved in the participatory review process, including AWID’s Board of Directors.

Why was my session not accepted?

AWID received 1,750 proposals. This is a record number for us and we thank every person who took the time to prepare a session proposal. It was a privilege to read the beautifully crafted proposals which made decision-making very difficult because given the time and space we have in the Forum we could only accept just over 10% of all the proposals.

We put in place a process that was as transparent as possible, and also respectful of the time and passion behind each proposal. We also understand that this question is asked because applicants are either concerned that the issue in their proposal will be absent at the forum or their region or movement will not be represented. A key criterion within the selection process was achieving as broad and varied a confirmation as possible within thematic areas, regions, and movements as well as a diversity from grassroots, national, regional, and global perspectives. We have over 700 presenters and artists from over 115 countries whose sessions were eventually accepted.

My session proposal was not accepted, is it possible to get funded as a participant and are there other funders you can point me to?

While AWID does support activists whose proposed sessions have been accepted, those Access Funds are limited, so we are not able to - at this point - support activists whose session proposals were not accepted.

Other funders might be able to support and we recommend that you reach out to your current funders to ask if they are taking part in the Forum and explore funding opportunities there. You may also keep checking our website and if opportunities do open up, we will share them through our usual social media channels.


I’ve never traveled before. What should I know?

We know that first-time travel can be exciting but also stressful. In recognition of the many challenges involved, we will be providing more information and details about how to get to Bangkok when Registration opens early next year.

What about the visas?

We are acutely aware of the practical hurdles and emotional distress associated with international travel, particularly from the Global South. AWID is working with TCEB (the Thailand Convention and Exhibition Bureau) to support Forum participants with acquiring visas. More information about this visa assistance will be available upon registration, including contact information for where and how to apply.

What if I can’t attend in-person? Will it be hybrid?

Yes! We are currently exploring innovating technologies to allow for meaningful connection and participation.


How is AWID ensuring the Forum is inclusive and welcoming for trans and gender diverse participants?

AWID is committed to creating a safe, inclusive, and affirming environment for all participants, including and especially trans and gender diverse people. To ensure other participants also commit to a trans friendly space, we are implementing several measures:

  • The Forum’s Code of Conduct has a strict anti-discrimination policy that all participants must adhere to, fostering respect and inclusion for people of all gender identities.
  • The Forum program includes sessions, art exhibitions and other activities that visibilize and center trans and gender diverse communities, facilitating discussions and learning.
  • We encourage the use of pronoun badges and ensure participants share their pronouns during registration. This helps to create a respectful and inclusive atmosphere.

How about climate justice, is this really the time for so many international flights?

Asking ourselves the same question, we believe there are no simple answers. For many participants the AWID Forum might be one of the few international trips they undertake in their life. The pandemic taught us the possibilities but also the limitations of virtual spaces for movement-building: there is nothing like in-person connection. Movements need cross-border connections to build our collective power in the face of the threats we face, notably the climate crisis. We believe that the upcoming AWID Forum can be a strategic space to hold these conversations and to explore alternatives to international travel. The hybrid element of the Forum is an important part of this exploration.

My question isn’t answered here

For additional questions, please use our contact form. We will keep updating this document based on the queries we receive from you!