¿Qué es el Foro Internacional de AWID?

Cada tres o cuatro años, AWID celebra su principal evento internacional. Es el mayor foro mundial que concentra a los movimientos feministas y de justicia de género en toda su diversidad. Es una reunión global de activistas feministas, movimientos aliados, académicxs, donantes y formuladorxs de políticas. Los Foros alternan entre distintas regiones y países del Sur global.

¿Cuándo y dónde será el Foro?

¡Del 2 al 5 de diciembre de 2024 en Bangkok, Tailandia! Nos reuniremos en el Centro Nacional de Convenciones Queen Sirikit (QSNCC) y también de forma virtual en línea.

¿Por qué en Bangkok?

Cada Foro se lleva a cabo en una región diferente, ¡y es hora de que el Foro de AWID regrese a Asia! Visitamos muchos países de la región, consultamos a los movimientos feministas y realizamos evaluaciones detalladas de logística, accesibilidad, seguridad, visas y más. Finalmente, la Junta Directiva de AWID aprobó con entusiasmo Bangkok, Tailandia, como la mejor opción. Nos sentimos muy emocionadxs de volver a Bangkok, donde celebramos el Foro de AWID en 2005.

¿Cuáles son los idiomas del Foro?

Los idiomas de trabajo de AWID son inglés, francés y español. El tailandés se agregará como idioma local, al igual que el lenguaje de señas y otras medidas de accesibilidad. Es posible que se añadan otras lenguas si la financiación lo permite, así que mantente atentx a las actualizaciones. Nos importa la justicia lingüística y trataremos de incluir tantos idiomas como sea posible y según nuestros recursos lo permitan. Vuelve a consultar para ver las actualizaciones!

Soy parte de un fondo o donante individual. ¿Cómo puedo apoyar al Foro de AWID?

Te invitamos a que te pongas en contacto con nosotrxs para explorar formas de colaborar de manera más significativa con el Foro.


¿Cómo puedo inscribirme en el Foro?

Puedes inscribirte en línea a través de nuestro sitio web oficial: La tarifa de inscripción anticipada estará disponible hasta el 2 de septiembre de 2024, después de lo cual se aplicarán las tarifas de inscripción estándar.

Me han aceptado para participar del Foro, ¿necesito inscribirme de todos modos?

¡Sí! Todo el mundo que asista al Foro debe inscribirse, incluso quienes realizan presentaciones. Les ponentes recibirán pronto un correo electrónico con un código de inscripción especial junto con las instrucciones para saber cómo inscribirse.

¿Es necesario ser afiliadx de AWID para participar en el Foro?

No, no es necesario ser afiliadx de AWID para participar, pero lxs afiliadxs de AWID reciben una tarifa de inscripción con descuento, así como otros beneficios. Obtén más información sobre cómo sumarte a la membresía de AWID.

Diferentes personas de mi organización planean asistir al Foro. ¿Hay algún descuento para grupos en el Foro?

AWID no ofrece descuentos para grupos, pero sí ofrece descuentos en la inscripción a sus afiliadxs. (Haz clic aquí para obtener más información sobre cómo sumarte a la membresía)

¿Puedo cambiar mi inscripción de virtual a presencial o viceversa?

No, no es posible cambiar formas de inscripción una vez que te has anotado a través del portal.


¿Cuáles serán los temas que se tratarán en el Foro?

El Foro cubrirá una amplia variedad de temas, entre otros, los siguientes: el financiamiento de los activismos, la justicia climática, la descolonización, la justicia económica y la economía feminista. La información más detallada sobre las sesiones se difundirá más cerca de la fecha de inicio del Foro.

¿Puedo asistir a varias sesiones en un mismo día?

Sí, puedes asistir a varias sesiones en un día. El diseño del programa permite elegir las sesiones que mejor se adapten a los intereses y horarios de quienes participan.

¿Con quién me puedo contactar si tengo preguntas sobre el programa?

Por cualquier duda o consulta relacionada con el programa, puedes contactarte con nuestro equipo de apoyo: Encontrarás información adicional en la página de contacto de nuestro sitio web.


Is there a COVID protocol for the Forum?

Yes! You can read up on the Forum’s COVID safety protocols here.

¿Qué medidas se tomarán para proteger la salud pública y contener los riesgos de un brote de Covid-19?

Estamos monitoreando cuidadosamente este y otros riesgos, y publicaremos información integral sobre salud y seguridad cuando se abra la inscripción, para que puedas tomar una decisión informada. Además, el formato híbrido está diseñado para ofrecer una experiencia de participación significativa a quienes prefieran no viajar o no puedan hacerlo.

¿Habrá medidas de accesibilidad en el Foro?

En síntesis, ¡sí! En este momento AWID está trabajando con un Comité de Accesibilidad, para garantizar que el Foro sea lo más accesible posible. También estamos realizando una auditoría de accesibilidad en la sede del Foro, los hoteles circundantes y el transporte. Detailed information about accessibility at the AWID Forum will be available in this section before the Forum. Meanwhile, for any questions please contact us at

¿Las sesiones son accesibles para personas con discapacidad?

Sí, nos esforzamos en hacer que todas las sesiones sean accesibles. Esto incluye, en todos los casos en que sea posible, ofrecer interpretación en lenguaje de señas, subtítulos en vivo, y asegurarnos de que los recintos tengan accesibilidad para sillas de ruedas. Indícanos cualquier necesidad de accesibilidad específica que tengas cuando completes el formulario de inscripción.

¿Las sesiones estarán disponibles en varios idiomas?

Para adecuarnos a nuestra audiencia diversa, ofrecemos servicios de interpretación simultánea en varios idiomas para las sesiones clave. Podrás consultar el programa próximamente para obtener más detalles sobre la disponibilidad de idiomas.


How much does participation cost?

Your participation costs as an in-person delegate will include your costs of travel to Bangkok, accommodations and per diem, visa costs (including traveling to embassies and consulates if applicable), any accessibility-related costs, and incidentals, plus the registration fee. Please note the following:

  • Hotels in the Sukhumvit area in Bangkok range from USD$50 to $200 per night, double occupancy. All official Forum hotels include breakfast in the rate.
  • AWID will provide shuttle buses from and back to the airport, as well as shuttle buses from official forum hotels and designated pick up and drop off points to the QSNCC (Queen Sirikit National Convention Centre)
  • The Forum will have lunch + 2 coffee/tea breaks (with pastries and finger foods) daily

AWID members receive a discount at registration, so if you are not a member yet, we invite you to consider becoming a member and joining our global feminist community.

Does AWID provide scholarships to attend the Forum?

AWID’s Access Fund will offer a limited number of scholarships to fund the participation of presenters who cannot otherwise make it, and don’t have relationships with funders who could cover their participation. Everyone who applied to the Call for Applications and indicated they needed funding will be considered for the Access Fund. Access Fund decisions will go out at the end of June.

How do refunds work if I'm no longer able to attend? (Eg. visa issues, illness, etc.)

In-person Forum registrations are eligible for a refund (minus a $75 USD administration fee) up until October 31, 2024. There are no refunds for the virtual Forum.


Does the Forum have a capacity limit for in-person attendance? Will we receive updates so that we can register before the limit is reached?

The capacity for the in-person Forum is 2,500 participants. We will post registration number updates on the Forum website when we get closer to the limit.

Will interpretation services be available for non-English speakers at the in-person AWID forum?

Yes, we aim to provide interpretation services for as many sessions as possible to ensure inclusivity and accessibility for attendees from diverse contexts and backgrounds. In addition to having interpretation, we will also be holding sessions in Spanish, French, Arabic and Thai, in addition to sessions in English.

Are there any pre-Forum activities or orientations for in-person participants?

Details about pre-forum activities or orientations for in-person participants will be communicated closer to the event date. Please stay tuned for updates.


What platform will be used for virtual sessions during the AWID forum?

We will use the Zoom Video Conferencing platform for the formal sessions during the Forum week since it is easy to use and broadly accessible to a diverse group of participants, the majority of whom live in places with limited internet bandwidth. In addition, we would like to pilot a metaverse experience in which a group of 20 participants, accompanied by a facilitator, go through a more guided experience: attending the sessions together, collectively sharing their experiences and reflections on the sessions in the same way onsite participants do.

What technology requirements are needed for virtual participation?

The Forum offers both high-tech and low-tech ways to participate virtually.

For the higher-tech version of virtual, participants will need stable internet connection, a compatible device (computer, tablet, or smartphone) and access to common up to date web browsers to participate in the sessions. This will allow participants to watch sessions on video, in real time.

For the lower-tech version – Forum Radio and Podcasts – you will need access to a device with enough internet stability to be able to access audio only. This option will allow participants to listen to sessions via radio, in real time, and via podcasts afterwards.

What sessions and activities will be available for virtual participants?

The virtual experience will include a number of activities; in the lead up to the Forum week, we will have networking opportunities for participants to get to know each other, share feminist resources and hold dialogues. During the Forum week, virtual participants will have access to live streamed sessions, on demand videos on selected sessions, Forum Radio/Podcast and thrilling activities that will be happening on the festival space.

Will there be opportunities for virtual participants to engage with in-person attendees?

Yes, special networking and interactive sessions will be designed to facilitate connections between virtual and in-person participants.

Can I access recordings of sessions after the Forum concludes?

Yes, sessions will be recorded and made available for on demand viewing after the Forum concludes. You will receive communication once the videos have been uploaded.

How can I stay informed about updates and instructions for virtual participation at the AWID forum?

Stay updated by regularly checking our official website and subscribing to our email newsletters for the latest information, virtual program details, and technical guidelines.


How transparent was the process?

AWID’s call for applications selection process was as transparent as possible, and also respectful of the time and passion behind each proposal. The participatory review and selection process involved 24 feminist activists from different movements and regions of the world, as well as 15 AWID staff from diverse thematic areas and consultations with another 22 feminist activists who were part of the Forum Accessibility and Thai Forum Committees. This was to ensure as broad a range of perspectives as possible. The review process was structured in three stages and included criteria such as inclusion & representation, clarity & session interactivity, intersectionality, and relevance to the Forum themes. We also analyzed the final selection for balances around geographic regions, movement, and gaps in thematic representations. The final curated set of sessions was then shared back with the people involved in the participatory review process, including AWID’s Board of Directors.

Why was my session not accepted?

AWID received 1,750 proposals. This is a record number for us and we thank every person who took the time to prepare a session proposal. It was a privilege to read the beautifully crafted proposals which made decision-making very difficult because given the time and space we have in the Forum we could only accept just over 10% of all the proposals.

We put in place a process that was as transparent as possible, and also respectful of the time and passion behind each proposal. We also understand that this question is asked because applicants are either concerned that the issue in their proposal will be absent at the forum or their region or movement will not be represented. A key criterion within the selection process was achieving as broad and varied a confirmation as possible within thematic areas, regions, and movements as well as a diversity from grassroots, national, regional, and global perspectives. We have over 700 presenters and artists from over 115 countries whose sessions were eventually accepted.

My session proposal was not accepted, is it possible to get funded as a participant and are there other funders you can point me to?

While AWID does support activists whose proposed sessions have been accepted, those Access Funds are limited, so we are not able to - at this point - support activists whose session proposals were not accepted.

Other funders might be able to support and we recommend that you reach out to your current funders to ask if they are taking part in the Forum and explore funding opportunities there. You may also keep checking our website and if opportunities do open up, we will share them through our usual social media channels.


I’ve never traveled before. What should I know?

We know that first-time travel can be exciting but also stressful. In recognition of the many challenges involved, we will be providing more information and details about how to get to Bangkok when Registration opens early next year.

What about the visas?

We are acutely aware of the practical hurdles and emotional distress associated with international travel, particularly from the Global South. AWID is working with TCEB (the Thailand Convention and Exhibition Bureau) to support Forum participants with acquiring visas. More information about this visa assistance will be available upon registration, including contact information for where and how to apply.

What if I can’t attend in-person? Will it be hybrid?

Yes! We are currently exploring innovating technologies to allow for meaningful connection and participation.


How about climate justice, is this really the time for so many international flights?

Asking ourselves the same question, we believe there are no simple answers. For many participants the AWID Forum might be one of the few international trips they undertake in their life. The pandemic taught us the possibilities but also the limitations of virtual spaces for movement-building: there is nothing like in-person connection. Movements need cross-border connections to build our collective power in the face of the threats we face, notably the climate crisis. We believe that the upcoming AWID Forum can be a strategic space to hold these conversations and to explore alternatives to international travel. The hybrid element of the Forum is an important part of this exploration.

My question isn’t answered here

For additional questions, please use our contact form. We will keep updating this document based on the queries we receive from you!